Charity News > Meet our Trustee, Rebecca

April 18, 2023

Meet our Trustee, Rebecca

Meet Rebecca Morris-Adams, Trustee of The Moulding Foundation.

How did you come to be involved in the foundation ?

I’ve known the Mouldings’ for a number of years and through that friendship, I’ve learnt about charities such as Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and Seashell Trust. I’ve always expressed an interest in getting involved where possible, so when Jodie founded The Moulding Foundation with her husband, Matthew, she approached me about becoming a trustee. I was delighted.

The mission of the Foundation is ‘to enable disadvantaged people and communities to achieve their full potential’. What does this mean to you?

I was once told to live by the three B’s and to me, they summarise what the foundation aims to achieve.

Everyone has the right to feel they belong, to become whatever they want to be, and to believe that anything is possible.

How would you describe your role as a trustee?

I help support the direction of our charity. Working alongside my fellow trustees, I take responsibility for how The Moulding Foundation is run and managed. We all work hard to make a significant difference to causes that matter most to us.

They say ‘team work makes the dream work’, and I love being part of this team.

What’s been your highlight so far?

Our return visit to New Bridge Horizon. We funded a new kitchen for the charity and hearing the impact it had had on both the students and the teachers was just incredible. Seeing the smiles on the student’s faces and listening to their stories about what they’d made in the kitchen was truly heartwarming.

What’s the hardest thing about being a trustee?

Saying no is definitely the hardest thing about being a trustee. There are so many brilliant causes out there, but we can’t divert from our mission.

What ingredients do you think it takes to make an effective Trustee board?

Honesty, dedication, respect, kindness … and a box of tissues!

What are your ambitions for the foundation?

To help as many people as possible, to have a long-lasting impact and connection with those we support, and to remain hands-on, not just provide funds to assist.

I’m so proud to be a part of The Moulding Foundation and can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.